Emack & Bolio’s聖誕小鹿雪糕回歸 聖誕優惠價$78 – 食同玩 eatnplay.hk
 Emack & Bolio’s聖誕小鹿雪糕回歸 聖誕優惠價$78

Emack & Bolio’s聖誕小鹿雪糕回歸 聖誕優惠價$78

又到年尾,聖誕節亦即將來臨,上一年Emack & Bolio’s聖誕小鹿雪糕十分受歡迎,所以今年載譽歸來,由12月9日起至2020年1月5日期間,於全港3間分店,包括:中環、灣仔及荃灣,推出聖誕小鹿雪糕。

聖誕小鹿雪糕由一球濃情咖啡或任何自選口味雪糕,配上指定特色脆皮雪糕筒 (包括:「Coco Pops Marsh“Mellow”」、「Froot Loops Marsh“Mellow”」或 「Rice Krispy Marsh“Mellow”」) 所組成。

聖誕小鹿雪糕只售$78,Emack & Bolio’s於中環及灣仔分店特別準備一系列聖誕主題拍照道具,包括聖誕帽、鹿角頭飾、柺杖糖道具及各式祝福語道具牌,可以同朋友一齊打卡。

Emack & Bolio’s分店
地址: 中環閣麟街26號地舖
電話: +852 2505 6626
開放時間: 星期日至四 11am – 11pm | 星期五、六11am – 12am

地址: 灣仔皇后大道東200號利東街囍匯地下G09及G10號舖
電話: +852 2952 3883
開放時間: 星期日至四11am – 11pm | 星期五、六11am – 11pm

地址: 荃灣荃新天地1期UG19號舖
電話: +852 2386 7100
開放時間: 星期日至四11am – 10.30pm | 星期五、六11am – 11pm

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It’s never too cold for ice cream?? ⠀ #repost @hongkongfoodie⠀ ・・・⠀ Giveaway!!!! I think this is the first time ever on this page I’m doing this. So we are giving away TEN 50 dollars worth coupons at Emack & Bolio's. Brought to you by the #ENTERTAINERApp, an app that gets you discounts at restaurants, hotels, and other entertainment venues. We loved it so much that we spent it on our favorite Salted Caramel Chocolate Pretzel Ice-cream with a special melted Marshmallow on top. Do not miss this chance! Enter by uploading your photo with the marshmallow and tagging @emackshk and @entertainerhk, simply tell us your favorite flavor and why. We will announce the winners (5 winners with TWO $50 dollar coupons) in our story so stay tuned!

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